
Answer to Task 5

This is not the only correct answer but it is the best correct answer. It is usually better to leave a sentence beginning with "In fact" or "Indeed" until the end of the argument because then the argument finishes with stronger and more factually-based information.


The government should provide more financial assistance to parents who use childcare. Firstly, childcare centers may assist children in their early development. They give children an opportunity to mix with other children and to develop social skills at an early age. Indeed, a whole range of learning occurs in childcare centers. Moreover, parents and children need to spend some time apart. Children become less dependent on their parents and parents themselves are less stressed and more effective care-givers when there are periods of separation. In fact, recent studies indicate that the parent-child relationship can be improved by the use of high-quality childcare facilities. In addition, parents who cannot go to work because they don't have access to childcare facilities cannot contribute to the national economy. They are not able to utilize their productive skills and do not pay income tax. In fact, non-working parents can become a drain on the tax system through dependent spouse and other rebates. In conclusion, government support for childcare services assists individual families and is important for the economic well-being of the whole nation.

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